Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Adding a Component in 11g or 12c

Create New Report Server in Oracle 12c and 11g
Oracle 12c Methods:
1.    Create a reports tools instance (Mandatory, if you are planning to use the same box for reports development)
2.    Create a reports server instance (OPTIONAL, only if you want to host a standalone reports instance)
3.    Goto‘C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\Classic_domain\bin>
startComponent<Report Server name>’
Start WLST(Weblogic Scripting Tool) console, and execute the below commands one after another (Make sure the node manager & the Weblogic admin server services are already started)
connect("weblogic","weblogic password", "hostname:7001")
my weblogic password :weblogic123
my hostname : localhost
createReportsToolsInstance(instanceName='reptools1', machine='AdminServerMachine')
createReportsServerInstance(instanceName='repserver', machine='AdminServerMachine')
Oracle 11g Methods:
For running reports, if you need to create a new standalone report server, you can do so by the following steps:
1.     Go to %ORACLE_INSTANCE%\bin ($ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin in Unix)
2.     Type in “opmnctl status” to see if opmn is running. If not, run “opmnctl startall”.
3.     Type in the following to create a new standalone reports server: 
opmnctl createcomponent -adminUsername weblogic -adminHost full_computer_hostname -adminPort 7001 -oracleHome C:\Oracle\Middleware\as_1 -oracleInstance C:\Oracle\Middleware\asinst_1 -instanceName asinst_1 -componentName name_of_report_server -componentType ReportsServerComponent
Example : opmnctl createcomponent –adminUsername weblogic –adminhost localhost –adminport 7001 –oracleHome C:\Oracle\Middleware\FRMHome_1 –oracleInstance  C:\Oracle\Middleware\asinst_1 –instanceName asinst_1 –componentName repserver –componentType ReportServerComponent
4.     Start the server “opmnctl startproc ias-component=name_of_report_server”

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